The Least

From wardrobe malfunctions to words you never want to hear from your 2-year-old, the media onslaught of sex, profanity, and violence is the worst thing about being a mom today, according to a whopping 70 percent of you. Do you agree?

"My kids repeat things from TV shows and it's not what I want to hear them say," one mom said. "I can't isolate them from the world, but I wish I could!"

Worst of today: Media mayhemOnly a small minority of you — 6 percent — spoke up in the media's favor, naming the variety of family-oriented TV shows, movies, and other entertainment as a plus for today's moms.

Television took the brunt of your media beating. The boob tube came in a distant fourth on your list of must-have technologies and gadgets (11 percent). And when asked what causes the most "mommy guilt," in your life, your top answer was letting your kids watch too much TV (36 percent).

Taking the second spot on your "worst" list was the high price of a good education (43 percent). "The school system is so obviously broken," said one mom, echoing many others who said their number-one concern is making sure their kids get the education and opportunities to meet their potential. (The worry that their kids won't have these advantages, moms said, is the thing most likely to keep them up fretting at night.)

Other hates: High expenses, school worriesSticker shock didn't stop at school-related expenses. Many of you voiced concern over the rising cost of groceries, gas, and health insurance, and said your family sometimes struggles to make ends meet.

"The cost of basics weighs heavily on me," said one mom. Said another: "I love being home with my children, but it's extremely difficult with only one income coming in."