How to Give Medication Correctly

1.Know your child's weight so that you can give the correct dose.
2.Read the package instructions carefully. Not all medicines should be given at the same hourly intervals or in the same amount. Follow the package instructions and give the full amount of medicine that is labeled for your child.
3.Always use the dropper, dosage cup, or other measuring device that comes with the medicine. Other items like kitchen teaspoons may not be accurate. Never use spoons, droppers, or cups that come with other medicines.
4.Make sure you're giving the right formula for your child's weight and age. Infants' and children's medicines are specially formulated, so you need to change formulas as they grow older. Don't give infants' medicine to an older child, or children's medicine to an infant.
5.Don't give medicine to a baby who is lying down; this could cause choking.